Driving through the lowlands I get that feeling. Is it the place?
Silence and the view of a town. Is it the openness of the space?
Maybe it sounds weird, but approaching Larissa, in the middle of Greece, you might feel that you’ re entering a western movie. Which is cool. And… cooler it gets.
Music will explain it all. Ennio Morricone’s score will soon rise above the city. Your ears will tell the truth. True?
Because Larissa is the city of the Associazone culturale Greca degli amici di musica di Ennio Morricone.
A non-profit association with one and only fuel – the love of Ennio Morricone’s music. And one and only cause of existence, to spread the music and the whole work of great Ennio – by creating special events, organizing unique movie projections among other things, often in places that would inspire the Man himself to compose music.
The Association – counting more than 500 members until now – was created in 2011. And since then, it never stopped surprising its friends.
Now, I think, is the right time to meet Mr. Kostas Papakostas. His Love for Ennio’s music started all. He travels the world to see Ennio Morricone in concert, he visits places all over, Rome, Milan, Athens, London, Tokyo to enjoy the music that he loves so much. And it was in Milan where he was inspired to create the Association.
His idea, his love for Ennio’s music, his authenticity and his passion made it all possible. With very serious and earnest steps he made his dream a reality.
His life is full of music and Morricone’s ideal compositions. His mind does not stop to dream and plan new things.
You might find interesting to know what Mr Papakostas does for a living- he is a breeder, a cattleman, having his own goats and sheep. I often hear them in the background when I am talking to him on the phone.
He spends his days in nature, in the open space echoing the magnificent sounds of wilderness. He says that nature is a huge inspiration and he feels really lucky to be there. Authentic, passionate, and – I am telling you – full of plans for the Association’s next projects.
Like the one that is coming up in a few days:
At the unique spot of Linto, on the terrace, overlooking the ancient theatre of Larissa, the event on the 28th of June is dedicated to Ennio Morricone. At the center of the event, there will be the screening of the Mission, the Roland Joffé ‘s legendary film of 1986, starring Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons.
Well, people say that some things only happen in the movies. Or maybe not:
Just under the building of the offices of the Association is located the Roman Diocletian Reservoir! This unbelievable site – which was revealed in the excavations for the building of the apartment blocks in the center of Larissa- will be the place of the Association’s central event this year, including the screening of Sergio Leone’s classic The Good, the Bad and the Ugly on its 50th year anniversary – with Ennio’s mythical music, a special 2 day event on the spaghetti westerns (get all the information here: www.enniomorricone.gr)
So, Ennio lives in Larissa. And some things do not happen only in the movies!